Pig Latin Game Alpha Version is Available

Here is the Wiki of Pig Latin Game

We just release the Alpha version of Pig Latin Game in Stringland Tech. It is a human-Lilyan interactive game, which is the same pattern as the Guess Number Game. Players should type as many correct Pig Latin of give words from Lilyan as possible within 3 mins.

Here is its entry in home page:


And here is its game page link and screenshot:



Currently following words are reserved by Lilyan:

  • start - to ask Lilyan to start the game
  • help - to ask Lilyan to tell the rules of the game
  • bye - to ask Lilyan to stop the game.

After 3 mins, Lilyan will show the game result. Here is the sample screenshot:

This game will have further improvement in the future. Hope you can love this game.


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